| Edtech Tools, Products
Studies of student engagement and the proven effectiveness of modern teaching techniques like ‘The Fundamental Five’ are providing educators with new insight on how to engage with students to be more effective. That’s not to say that classroom dynamics are completely...
| Edtech Tools, Products
The power of wireless technology to remove the physical barriers separating teachers from students and moving teachers into the “Power Zone.” The Power Zone is widely considered one of the five fundamentals of exceptional instruction, as outlined in the 2021 book The...
| Edtech Tools
Teaching methods evolve with time, and so do the tools available to educators. One such transformative method is ‘Teaching in the Power Zone,’ a concept highlighted in “The Fundamental Five Revisited.” Authored by four prominent educators, this...
| Edtech Tools
When Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute first approached ScreenBeam with an intriguing question — “Will ScreenBeam work on a boat?” — the team at ScreenBeam was both puzzled and captivated by the unusual request. As David...
| Edtech Tools
Teachers have a lot to keep up with when it comes to classroom structure. This is not always helped by new technology, which can sometimes make a complicated job even more so. But there are some new technologies which are actually improving the lives of teachers....
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