Teachers always ask me, “Why do we have another tech thing for my classroom? I mean, gadgets are cool, but it won’t change how I teach.” Well lately, I have been able to show how this “little black box,” called a ScreenBeam, has changed how our teachers teach and interact in their classroom. In particular, our teachers are pairing ScreenBeam with Kahoot! because this makes it easier to connect with their students on a deeper level.
What Is Kahoot?
Teachers in my school love Kahoot!, an interactive game-based learning platform. They can create kahoots within minutes to review complex concepts and assess students’ understanding of a lesson in a fun way. With catchy music in the background, students are eager to answer multiple choice questions on their device. Also, students get a thrill out of seeing their progress when playing the game, especially when they get a chance to team up and collaborate with each other. Hands down, Kahoot! is a fantastic way to re-energize the classroom.
Untether Teachers to Connect with Students
The challenge we faced was lack of mobility. Whenever teachers wanted to share their kahoots on the projector, they had to remain at their desk because a projector cable tied their computer to their desk. This made it hard for teachers to run their kahoots and simultaneously be physically next to their students to help them out.
Thanks to ScreenBeam, our teachers are now freely moving around the room while running the games. How does this happen? Connect the ScreenBeam wireless display receiver to the HDMI® or VGA port of a TV or projector. Using a Windows 10 device, press the shortcut keys Windows + K to create a wireless connection to the classroom display. Open up a kahoot on the computer, and the game instantly appears on the display. Wirelessly sharing a kahoot on the big screen is super easy, and our teachers love being untethered from projector cables and their desk.They are more engaged with their students, and ScreenBeam makes it easier for teachers to gauge student understanding, facilitate learning, and lead class discussions. Teachers also appreciate the ability to celebrate their students’ successes right next to them, while providing immediate feedback anywhere in the room.
Create Student-Centered Learning
Students can also create their own kahoots to allow them to own their own learning. Students love interacting with each other and playing in the “game-like” setting, which makes education fun! When they want to share their kahoots on the class display, ScreenBeam enables them to conveniently present right from their desk. Pairing Kahoot! with ScreenBeam is a fun way to encourage students to present with confidence. I’m amazed how the combination of these two edtech tools naturally transforms students to become leaders in the classroom and beyond.
Final Thoughts
I encourage everyone to add ScreenBeam, the little “magic” box to their classroom. ScreenBeam will change how you teach and interact with students, especially while using a fun edtech tool like Kahoot!. If you untether your teaching, you can really connect on another level with your students.
To have ScreenBeam in your classroom, you can request a ScreenBeam trial.

Michelle is a Digital Media Specialist for K-12 at Pearland Independent School District in Texas. With over 20 years in education, she enjoys helping teachers and students use technology to experience new learning adventures in the digital age. Connect with Michelle on Twitter.